Tom Walker

Job Before: Hotel Services Assistant

Tom Walker IT Career Switch

Job Now: IT Service Desk Technician (Office Support) @ Burges Salmon LLP



Tom Walker IT Career Switch

Course: IT Technician Traineeship
Placement Date: January 2022

Why did you start the Traineeship?
I moved back in with my family after studying Music Business at university. Seeing how the pandemic affected the music industry I was looking for a more reliable job that I could move out on. Before this, I had only worked in hospitality but was always into tech through gaming so I decided to start the traineeship after a friend’s recommendation.
What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?
Networking was the part of the curriculum that I enjoyed learning about the most and it’s the area I’m planning on specializing in later in my career. On top of this, I liked the freedom the traineeship gave me to study when I liked and design my own revision plans when it came to taking the final exams.
What's your current role like?
I’m actually due to start my first day of training the day after I’m writing this but Burges Salmon is a very respected company and I’m starting with a very good salary so I’m looking forward to getting stuck in.