Tina Mihanovic

Job Before:  Technical Support Specialist

Tina Mihanovic IT Career Switch

Job Now: Cyber Security Analyst @ CDL Software

Tina Mihanovic IT Career Switch

Course: Cyber Security Traineeship
Placement Date: December 2023

Why did you start the Traineeship?

IT was always my passion and when I finally decided to pursue it I needed help in determining which way to go, what courses to take and of course which certs to gain. I wanted it to be structured and organised so I decided to start the traineeship.

What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?
I enjoyed the most my Network + course. Even tho the material at times was hard, the tutor (I believe her name was Chis) was very engaged, enthusiastic and a great teacher.
The practice labs were great as well.
What's your current role like?
I work as a cybersecurity analyst, and my role is very diverse, from monitoring the systems to project work.