Sophia Haughton-Smart

Job Before: Consultant

Sophia Haughton-Smart IT Career Switch

Job Now: Health and Safety Assistant @ John Lewis & Partners


Sophia Haughton-Smart IT Career Switch

Course: Health and Safety Traineeship
Placement Date: January 2022

Why did you start the Traineeship?
When the pandemic hit I really began to reevaluate my career path and decided it was time for a change – IT Career Switch made this easy for me.
I have always had a keen interest in Health and Safety, and after working in hospitality for 5 years, I had decided that I wanted to make a change, and move to something that is more secure and a career path that has potential for success. IT-CS made it possible for me to expand my knowledge and passion for the topic, and the application was simple and quick, as I was studying deep in my course days later.
What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?
I enjoyed the fact that I could still work at the same time as studying, and I found it easy to work into my schedule, as well as keep me inspired and active throughout lockdown. You can complete the course at your own pace which is fantastic, and wanting to change career paths rather quickly, I was able to study and book my exams as soon as I wanted, so now, less that a year later, I am in a new job that I love.
What's your current role like?
I now work for the John Lewis Partnership in the only textiles manufacturing mill – Herbert Parkinson. I work with the Health and Safety Advisor, caring for the partners and making active improvements to the health and safety of the site as we work towards IOSH accreditation, as one of the first in the whole partnership. I am grateful to be taking part in such an important movement of the John Lewis Partnership, and I am excited to be actively learning and developing myself the further I work in this role. I want to make a name for myself in the world of safety, and I feel I have taken the first and greatest step of many.