Rojita Luwang
Job Before: Student
Job Now: Java Developer @ Evolok
Why did you start the Traineeship?
Being from a computer science engineering background I have always wanted to start my career after a long break due to family commitments. Looking out for opportunities, I joined the IT Career Switch – Full Stack Development Course in the hope that I will be able to gain the confidence to kick-start my career.
What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?
I liked the challenges given during the course, and finishing the different tasks using new technologies by setting a deadline for myself. I mostly enjoyed doing the portfolio projects which were quite challenging and the feedback to work on from the tutors really helped me gain the confidence I needed.
What's your current role like?
I am currently employed as a Java developer in a front-to-back role and I am enjoying my work – learning a lot as I move ahead in this field.