Oliver Tribe

Job Before: Room attendant

Oliver Tribe IT Career Switch

Job Now: IT Support Technician @ Fitronics


Oliver Tribe IT Career Switch

Course: IT Technician Traineeship
Placement Date: January 2022

Why did you start the Traineeship?
I started the traineeship because I’ve always been interested in computers and I wanted to learn the core foundations of IT to jump-start my career.
What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?
I enjoyed the fact that I could learn at my own pace and manage what I do myself. I found the videos helpful and the live labs very good to get hands-on experience to prepare me for the exams.
What's your current role like?
My current role is very interesting learning how to use proprietary software and delivering first-line support for their customers. I have lots of opportunities to join other departments’ meetings to have a better understanding of what they do and how my department links in with others.