Kathy Albert

Job Before: Teacher

Kathy Albert IT Career Switch

Job Now: Software Developer @ Markerstudy Insurance

Kathy Albert IT Career Switch
Course: Coding Traineeship
Placement Date: March 2022
Why did you start the Traineeship?
I had been keen on a career in programming early in my 20s and Covid provided me with the perfect opportunity to revisit this path. I wanted to do something that was mentally challenging, and creative and would future proof my career potential.
What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?
The broad scope of the content yet each section has sufficient depth to equip me for the workplace. Seeing it all coming together when doing the final projects was incredibly rewarding!
What's your current role like?
Lots of planning and working closely with Business Analysts to implement solutions. Bringing all the knowledge I’ve gained together!