Jonathan Sibbick

Job Before:  Unemployed

Jonathan Sibbick IT Career Switch

Job Now: IT Support Technician @ Amitech IT Limited

Jonathan Sibbick IT Career Switch

Course: Cyber Security Traineeship
Placement Date: May 2022

Why did you start the Traineeship?
I started the traineeship while I was on furlough as I wanted to develop my IT skills and work towards a career with better working hours and prospects. The promise of a guaranteed job was certainly a big draw, but so was the well-defined career path laid out by the traineeship – not to mention the earning potential.
What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?
I enjoyed learning about networking. I’ve always been fascinated by how large enterprise networks are designed and maintained and the network + helped shed some light on it.
What's your current role like?
I’m really happy in my new role as a support technician, I learn something new every day and get to support over 100 different clients.