Jamil Rahman

Job Before:  Grocery Delivery Driver

Jamil Rahman IT Career Switch

Job Now: 1st Line Support Engineer @ Elementary ICT Ltd

Jamil Rahman IT Career Switch

Course:  Cyber Security Traineeship
Placement Date: August 2023

Why did you start the Traineeship?

I started the traineeship because I worked in retail as a delivery driver for a few years and always knew there was not much room for progression. I wanted a new job where I could have a proper career path. I’ve always had an interest in IT and was recommended for this traineeship.

What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?

The thing I enjoyed most about the traineeship was the flexibility and being able to make it work around my specific lifestyle. I was only working part-time so I had a lot of free time to study and being able to move at my own pace as quickly or as slowly as I wanted was great.

What's your current role like?
I really enjoy my current role working on the IT helpdesk. I’m always learning new things on the job and I’m slowly seeing everything I learned during the traineeship being used in real life and how to apply it. The company I’m with are great at supporting me as an entry-level tech and I’m looking forward to developing my skills further.