Briony Quinn

Job Before: Administrator

Briony Quinn IT Career Switch

Job Now:  IT Support @ Wylie & Bisset LLP

Briony Quinn IT Career Switch

Course:  IT Technician Traineeship
Placement Date: June 2022

Why did you start the Traineeship?
Living through covid and the death of my Mum, I started to reevaluate my life. I wasn’t happy in my current role and I decided I needed a complete career change. Going back into full-time education wasn’t an option, and the traineeship was the perfect fit.
What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?
Being able to do the traineeship online, from anywhere, provided great flexibility. I acquired a tonne of knowledge and gained an insight into areas that ignited a real passion for me.
What's your current role like?
My current role is very varied, which is exactly what I wanted. I’m getting the chance to work on lots of different projects and gaining a wide variety of experience. I’m currently working on security projects which is the perfect fit as I pursue my Cyber Security qualification.