Anna Summerscales
Job Before: Sales Assistant
Job Now: Software Engineer, Internal Systems @ Darktrace
Why did you start the Traineeship?
I graduated from university during covid and realised that what I was planning to do wasn’t right for me anymore. With covid still a big concern a fully online course with a job guarantee seemed perfect. I had always been interested in learning to code but never had the confidence in myself to go for it. IT Career Switch offered a much more affordable course than other boot camps and gave me guarantees that the others didn’t. This helped me feel a little more confident that I would find work after completing this course which I did.
What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?
I loved that there was a really wide range of languages to learn. I wasn’t sure what area of software development I wanted to move into so being able to learn lots of different languages was a really interesting and a great way for me to decide what areas of coding I enjoyed most.
What's your current role like?
My current role is great! Everyone I work with is really friendly and just as geeky as me. What I learned in this course has definitely helped me to quickly pick up anything new I need to know for the application I work on. I wasn’t expecting to get such a great role as my first job or to find a job so quickly after completing the course.