Adam Cosgrove
Job Before: Digital Media Producer
Job Now: IT Systems and Support Operator @ Scottish Woodlands Ltd
Why did you start the Traineeship?
I was looking for a new challenge and an exciting new career. I felt that a career in IT could be very rewarding and give me many opportunities to learn many great new skills, especially in the constantly expanding area of cyber security. I had looked into the traditional route of going back into part-time education, but none of those options was compatible with my circumstances, so IT Career Switch offered me the time and resources to study the course material and achieve the qualifications required to enter the IT industry.
What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?
I always enjoy learning new things, and in IT there is a lot to learn! I found the experience of studying the broad course material fascinating. From simple computer management, and hardware and software troubleshooting to more specialised networking and security concepts, I knew that the traineeship was providing me with a great foundation upon which to build my new career. The opportunity to get practical experience within the lab environment was invaluable and the CompTIA A+ has given me a fantastic, industry-wide recognised certification that has helped me stand out. I have caught the study bug!
What's your current role like?
My current role has been very enjoyable. Getting the opportunity to apply the new skills and knowledge I have gained from the course has been very exciting. I was nervous before starting with being so new to this industry, but I am lucky to work with a great team who are always happy to support me and I am learning new things every day. I can see just how well the traineeship has prepared me for the role and feel that the months of studying have really paid off. I am continuing my journey through practical real-world experience and now completing the next stage in my traineeship. I am loving the journey so far!