Zach Henshall

Job Before: Marketing & Sales

Zach Henshall IT Career Switch

Job Now: Junior Web Developer @ SimplyBiz

Zach Henshall IT Career Switch

Course: Coding Traineeship
Placement Date: July 2021

Why did you start the Traineeship?
After returning from a backpacking trip in May 2020 I decided it was the perfect time to follow my passion and start a new career in web development. This traineeship offered a comprehensive catalogue of languages and great course materials to help me start that journey.
What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?
The final projects were a fantastic opportunity to apply my newly gained skills, and having a personal tutor to provide feedback really helped hone those skills. Additionally, my recruitment adviser was incredibly helpful and really made the job application process much easier.
What's your current role like?
I work alongside another developer as part of a larger digital team to help maintain, update and improve a large library of enterprise websites. Our current goal is to migrate these sites to a new CMS platform.