Muneeb Qureshi
Job Before: Teaching Assistant
Job Now: IT Support Engineer @ UCH Logistics
Why did you start the Traineeship?
I started my Traineeship, in January 2023 as I needed to change my career from the education sector. It was the best decision and I most enjoyed the fact that I had the opportunity to speak to such great members of staff at IT Career Switch who gave me nothing but great advice and support to help along the way and always managed to brighten up my day! (Shout out to, Pierre Fourie, Belinda Holder and Ralph Margo)
What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?
I enjoyed the fact that I was able to work at my own pace and was given absolute freedom to do so, as well as learn such valuable skills and knowledge to help me through my course! Pierre my course tutor has been so helpful all the way through and I can’t thank him enough.
What's your current role like?
I haven’t started my new job as IT Technician Engineer but very very excited to do so! Belinda my recruitment officer managed to find me a job within 4 weeks! She was very helpful and supportive along the way! Ralph Margo also gave me very useful information and tips to help me with my new role and upcoming Cyber Security Course, I really appreciate that!
I was working at a special needs school as a teacher and now I am going to be part of the tech sector and only hope to progress my career within this thriving industry!
Can’t wait to study/work with you in the next chapter of my life!
Thank you IT Career Switch for believing in me and supporting me all the way through.