Lee Adams

Job Before: Senior Recruitment Consultant

Lee Adams IT Career Switch

Job Now: Full Stack Developer @ 18a Productions Limited

Lee Adams IT Career Switch

Course: Coding Traineeship
Placement Date: June 2021

Why did you start the Traineeship?
I had considered being a Developer for a long time but thought that the only route would be to get my degree in Computer Science which I don’t have the time or money for.
Making the leap to start a Development course seemed risky, so I liked the idea that there was a guaranteed placement at the end of the course.
When I found out the breadth of the course and read the reviews online I knew that with that level of programming knowledge it was likely that I would find a placement.
It was a big leap but one I’m glad I took.
What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?
I liked the way it was laid out. I came from a standing start and so having that structure around the absolute fundamentals right the way through to project Development was really good.
I also liked having the mentors there. I didn’t feel the need to contact them too often but knowing that my work was being peer reviewed and that the projects were being held to a certain standard gave me confidence.
Everyone I spoke with at IT Career Switch was really polite and friendly as well. It can be quite a scary thing changing a career like this so being able to pick up the phone to someone just to check in and see how I was progressing was nice as well.
What's your current role like?
Really good. I work in a small but supportive team that understands the workload I can handle and gradually feed in extra work that they know I can adapt to.
I’m encouraged to keep learning new and different things and I’ve been given work time to do that. I’m working on projects regularly and most importantly I’m in a role where there is less stress.
I still work hard as you do in any job, but that hard work is rewarded and I never feel like I’m being unduly pressured. I’m still learning, and I’m enjoying learning.
It’s hard to believe that I am actually a Full Stack Developer now, the hard work paid off.