Angela Maya Campbell

Job Before: English Language Teacher

Angela Maya Campbell IT Career Switch

Job Now: IT Help Desk Technician @ North



Angela Maya Campbell IT Career Switch

Course: IT Technician Traineeship
Placement Date: December 2021

Why did you start the Traineeship?
Everything that IT Career Switch provides, I was looking for. I had fallen into a teaching career and stayed there for 27 years but was often the ‘go-to IT person.’ Itching to go back into what had been my first-degree choice, (but ended up being put on the backburner as I focused on Education) I made a conscious decision at 50 years of age during the 2020 lockdown that it was now or never! It is the best career decision I’ve ever made.
What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?
The training was incredibly thorough, I loved how it was like building blocks that really expanded your understanding.
I also really enjoyed the practical training of the Live Labs, which was absolutely essential for the exams as well as paving the way for real-world application. I have to say the help from my tutor Leigh and my recruitment officer Ann was so invaluable!
What's your current role like?
Lucky doesn’t even describe how I feel about my new company and amazingly patient manager. Every day is different and I am learning so much, from dismantling laptops to fixing issues using Remote Desktop and everything in between. Thank you for everything, IT Career Switch.